This privacy policy applies to the processing of personal data of clients and/ or users of website the Data Controller of which is CONQUERO AUTORENTING, S.L.
The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to provide information on the rights you are granted by the provisions of REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL of 27th of April 2016 relating to the protection of individuals in terms of the processing of their personal data and the free circulation of such data, which derogates Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) and Organic Law 3/2018. Information on your personal data according to article 13 of section 2 of the said Regulation and Organic Law 3/2018..
When you provide your data as a client and/ or user, you declare that you have read and are aware of this Privacy Policy, and thus that you provide your unequivocal and express consent to the processing of your personal data according to the purposes and terms hereby expressed..
CONQUERO AUTORENTING, S.L is entitled to amend this Privacy Policy in order to adapt it to any new laws, jurisprudence or interpretations made by the Spanish Data Protection Agency. Such privacy terms may be supplemented by the Legal Notice, Cookie Policy, and the General Terms and Conditions that may apply to certain products or services, if applicable, where such access implies certain sensitivity in terms of personal data protection..
Proprietor Data Controller.
CONQUERO AUTORENTING, S.L, hereinafter “the Company” .
The Company shall process your personal data only with specific, explicit and legitimate purposes and these will not be processed in a way that is incompatible with such purposes. Management, study and resolution of queries made through the website..
The Company shall process your data only provided that one of the following conditions is meet:.
• You provide your consent for one or several specific purposes..
• Processing of your data is necessary for the formalisation of a contract to which you are a party..
• Processing of your data is necessary in order to comply with a legal obligation of the Company..
Legal age to provide consent.
When you access this website, you declare that you are over 14 years old and that you have the necessary legal capacity to provide your consent for the processing of your personal data under the provisions of this Privacy Policy and the Terms of Use of this website. Recipients.
Your data will be communicated to third parties to carry out the purposes described in this privacy policy. Under no circumstances will data be transferred to third parties for purposes other than those specified in this document.
The rights of access, rectification and suppression of the data, as well as other rights as explained in the additional information of our Privacy Additional Information
You may access the additional detailed information about our Privacy Policy by clicking here+ info

1. –Who is the proprietor of this website?
Company registration details
Registro Mercantil de Sevilla, Tomo 6102, Folio 30, Sección 8, Hoja 116623, Inscripción I/A 1
Av. Fernández Murube 8 41007 Sevilla.
Telephone no.
Email address

2. –Who is your Data Controller?

Company registration details
Registro Mercantil de Sevilla, Tomo 6102, Folio 30, Sección 8, Hoja 116623, Inscripción I/A 1
Av. Fernández Murube 8 41007 Sevilla.
Telephone no.
Email address

3. - What is the purpose of the personal data processing and for how long will we store this data?
✓ The company will process your personal data exclusively for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, and will not process your data in a manner incompatible with those purposes.
Purpose 1: applicable to all users
Management, study and resolution of queries made through the website.
✓ The company shall store your personal data for the time that is necessary, according to the information you have provided and the storage terms set out in the applicable regulations.
CONQUERO AUTORENTING, S.L shall process the personal data provided by the users on electronic forms available on the website for the purposes indicated to follow:
a. In the case of the “Contact Form”:
Purpose: Management, study and resolution of enquiries.
Legitimacy: The consent of the data subject, which can be revoked any time.
b. In the case of the “Reservation Form”:
Purpose: Management, study and resolution of the car reservation requests.
Legitimacy: The consent of the data subject, which can be revoked any time.
✓ When the data requested on electronic forms are necessary to access specific functions of the website, CONQUERO AUTORENTING, S.L. will state this fact at the time of collecting the User’s data and failing to provide them shall derive in our inability to grant the relevant request.
4. –Who are the recipients with whom we will share your data?
In order to comply with the purposes described in this Privacy Policy, your data may be communicated to:
Company in charge of the maintenance and programming of our website.
Execution of a service provision contract.
✓ Under no circumstances shall the data be transferred to third parties other than those described in this document.
5. –What are your rights when you provide us with your personal data?
The Company guarantees you the exercise of your rights.
If you wish to exercise your rights, you can send your request to the Company by post or email to the address provided in this document with the purpose of exercising the following rights:
o Right to request access to your personal data as a data subject. o Right to request their rectification or suppression.
o Right to request their limited processing.
o Right to oppose to their processing.
o Right to the portability of the data.
You are entitled to request the necessary forms for the exercise of such rights by sending an email to the email address provided in this document.
Since the exercise of such rights is a very personal issue, you are required to aLach a copy of your ID or equivalent document to prove your identity.
You can liaise with the Spanish Data Protection Agency in order to obtain additional information about your rights or file a claim with this agency, especially when you have not obtained satisfaction following the exercise of your rights. You can access the full information about this maLer, by visiting web
6. –What security measures are applied?
CONQUERO AUTORENTING, S.L. applies the security levels required in the GDPR that apply to the nature of the data that are the object of processing each time. Despite this, the User must take into account that the security of the systems is not impenetrable and that malicious actions may be perpetrated by third parties, CONQUERO AUTORENTING, S.L. shall apply all the means available to prevent such actions from happening. You can obtain further information about our security measures by contacting us by email on

Taking care of detail 

Always at your service

Don´t hesitate to get it touch with us. We are always here for you.

Conquero Auto Renting

grupo conquero

Automotive Group established throughout the Spanish geography.

Copyright @ 2018-2023  Conquero Auto Renting

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Privacy policy


Our locations

Ibiza, España

   Carretera Aeropuerto Km 3.300
     Taller Multiauto 07817 Sant Jordi / IBIZA

  +34 971 772 321

  +34 669 83 59 04